Why US Internet Access Is Slow and Expensive
Source article @ Gizmodo.com
I hope Neeli Kroes views this interview with Susan Crawford and learns why wired and mobile Net Neutrality is vital to prevent communications inequality in Europe. A wired and mobile net neutral internet should be considered as a vital basic utility like water and electricity.
US citizens pay more for internet access than those in many other countries—and also get worse connections for their cash. This video explains why.
Susan Crawford, former special assistant to President Obama for science, technology and innovation, and author of Captive Audience: The Telecom Industry and Monopoly Power in the New Gilded Age, joins Bill to discuss how our government has allowed a few powerful media conglomerates to put profit ahead of the public interest — rigging the rules, raising prices, and stifling competition. As a result, Crawford says, all of us are at the mercy of the biggest business monopoly since Standard Oil in the first Gilded Age a hundred years ago.
“The rich are getting gouged, the poor are very often left out, and this means that we’re creating, yet again, two Americas, and deepening inequality through this communications inequality,” Crawford tells Bill.
US citizens please sign the petition
The United States needs new leadership at the Federal Communications Commission to help establish a competitive regulatory climate and to encourage new entrants into the market. Susan Crawford has spent her career studying the global telecommunications industry and has a keen sense of the history that brought us to this point.
US Petition @ Petitions.whitehouse.gov